Thursday 1 November 2018

How To Generate A Business Idea

Dear Friends,

Many of my friends have one question that how one can identify a potential business idea which can do good.

So it is very easy, first we have to identify within our family what one thing which any of your family members can do better than anybody else in the family, maybe he/she is good in cooking something or making something by hand or good in playing any musical instrument or making any kind of special sweet. It can be anything.

Business is all about the thing which can be sold without making any hard effort.

So you have to identify that one thing and once it is identified, all family person has to support and turn that thing into a huge business.

So do not wait, just start identifying among your family, what one thing your family can do better than anybody else, turn it into a business and that's it.

Go and get it. Remember nothing can stop you if you do not want to stop.

Happy Reading.

Monday 29 October 2018

Why in developing country, people are suffering with less income?

Dear Friends,

I was thinking of this subject, so many times and thought that I should pen it down for my blog readers who belong from developing countries like mine.

People in developing countries are suffering from less pay because of their high education. Strange but that is the truth, in developing countries, higher education is cheap and that's why most of the people acquire a good education with many master degrees on their resumes. But it is sad that we have only a few numbers of jobs available in the market to cater to such a hugely talented pool.

So what this huge number of talented guys do, if they did not find a suitable job, either they have to opt for a less paying job or sit ideal, because they feel ashamed of starting a small business of their own, after acquiring good engineering, MBA, MCA etc. degrees they could not go for small business, they feel what their friends and relatives will say.

But my friend, why you are thinking too much about your relatives and friends, if they can't help you with getting a good job, why they will bother in thinking about you.

Do not think too much and start a small business right now, when you are young when you can face more challenges in your life when there are lots of business opportunities.

Do not ashamed of doing small business but ashamed of doing nothing.

Good Luck!

Why you are not getting success?

Dear Friends,

Many of my friends asked me that they are trying very hard in their respective lives but still not getting the desired success, what is the reason behind?

I told them that I am not much known about how to be successful in your respective lives but whatever knowledge I have gained about this subject, I have put in the following points:

1. Behind every success, there is only one formula and that formula is:

Idea + Action and continuous innovation = Success

2. To start anything, you must have a clear idea. Whether it's a job or business without the clear idea you will not reach your destination. The clear idea means a blueprint, if you are in a job then prepare a blueprint for coming 5 years, project yourself in a position where you want to reach after 5 years, now write the steps, how you can achieve it? Many people get stuck in the middle because they do not want to change, I mean they become cozy with their comfort zone, they do not want to get out of it, but remember if you are not getting the result as per your blueprint do not hesitate in changing the job, after all, you have to first work for yourself and then for others, secondly see why your work is not getting the recognition, maybe it is because you do not know, how to project your work and yourself, do not worry, go and search the web about how you can project your accomplishments more effectively. Do not become a dead fish and float with the stream but be alive and try to cross the river swimming against the stream.

Businesses are also suffering because they did not catch up with the changing environment, we have numerous examples of big companies, how they shoot up on the top once and how they fall gradually, what was the reason behind? The reason is the management, yes the management never built a blueprint, they have never think about the things which make the business rise and the things which become the reason for their downfall. Business has to continuously innovate but at the same time do not get rid of the good things which make their business a distinct brand in the market.

3. Investment - Yes investment is very necessary for personal as well as for your business growth.

The simple trick is to divide your money into 3 segments, long term, short term, and contingency reserve.

For long-term go for equity, search out for the reputed companies who are giving annual returns of more than 30% in a year, invest in them for long-term, for short-term goals go for mutual funds make a mix of 3 to 5 good mutual funds and start investing in them through SIP, for contingency reserve go for FD or some other financial instrument which you can liquidify (Encash) easily whenever necessary.

If you have 100 bucks, invest 10 for long-term, 20 for short-term and 70 for contingency.

4. Make yourself skillful. It doesn't mean that you have to go for a course or something but see if you can learn any skill which you can utilize later during your hard times (when you lost your job all of a sudden or your business make losses). You can go for a hobby also like playing any musical instrument etc.

5. Make a habit of reading good books. Many of us already have this hobby and they can tell you, how useful is this?

Friends, I could not assure you of any success without any effort. Many people will give you any kind of pieces of advice, but in the end, it is only you, who can make the difference in your respective lives.

Have a happy life!

Thank You.

Friday 31 August 2018

What to do, when you lost your full time job?

Dear Friends,

In this busy world, nobody is bothering about what you are doing, nobody is bothering about, how you are arranging your day to day needs, therefore stop thinking about what others may think about you when they know that you have lost your job. Do not hide the news of losing your job, because if you hide it, then people who are good friends could not help you out with this problem.

This condition is very bad, especially for those, who has worked for so many years in the company and after so many years, the company kicks them out. Now you are in the middle of your age, you are not a fresher, and in the middle of your career, you were earning a good monthly pay cheque, so what you will do after losing your day job, just do the following, I am not sure, if it can help you, but I am sure that it can give you some ideas about what to do:

1. Stop thinking about your past, what just happen is already happened, you cannot do anything about that, so better you look, what you can do next.

2. Look for some small jobs nearby, where you can engage yourself and keep yourself busy in

3. Do whatever you think you can do, like selling milk, selling eggs, newspaper hawker work, selling vegetables etc. Please do not get me wrong, there is no harm in doing these small things. Believe it or not many people have made their own websites for selling these things online and making huge money. Think for an idea, what you can do for the people, which make their lives more easy and comfortable, make a website, and if you do not know how to make a website, engage somebody to do that work for you. Nowadays there are a lot of websites, where you can go and ask somebody to do that for you, such as freelancer, Fiverr, up work etc. After making your websites, make a pamphlet for the work you are going to do for the people and spread the pamphlet. Give it to your local yellow pages directory. Soon people start taking your services and eventually you start earning a good income.

4. If you know how to make android apps, then you can start making an app and upload them to google play store, you can earn a good money by monetizing your apps.

5. If you are a good driver, you can give your services in any of the taxi service providers, nowadays there are lot many taxi service providers, who can give you work. Do not worry, this is just to keep yourself engaged, meanwhile, you can do some other small jobs also as mentioned above. The idea is to keep yourself busy all the time.

6. If you start earning even a small sum, and if your husband or wife is working in another job, then do not again engage yourself in any of the jobs, because if you get kicked off a second time by any other company, you do not know whether you can establish yourself again that time. Do not give second chance to anybody

Hope this can help you, please do not become sad and start looking for some good work, no matter what, but it should give you an instant earning.

Good Day!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

You are the Driver of your Destiny Boat

Dear Friends,

Many of my friends believe that whatever is being written by God is the ultimate destiny for them but it is not like that, you are the driver of your destiny boat and all controls are in your hands.

So start the engine of your boat, check the brakes, the lights, the fuel, the food for the journey, and yes check once again whether you really want to go for that place and if your inner voice says yes then don't wait to speed your boat with full throttle.

Boat - You
Engine - Your mind
Brake - Your thoughts
Lights - Your positivity
Fuel - Your Desire
Food - Your Determination
Place - Your Goal
Speed - Your Action

Don't forget that your ideas can make you a millionaire but without action ideas are just like a bicycle without wheels.

Idea + Action = Success

So don't worry about your future, if you are in action.

See You!

Sunday 30 August 2015

One Tested Method For Sure shot Success

Dear Friends,

Many of my friends asked me that how they can achieve success in their lives, because many of them didn't recognize what is success for them?

So my friend if you also have such kind of dilemma, then don't worry, because I am there to clear that dilemma and tell you what is the success and how you can achieve it?

First of all, we all may or may not have short term targets in our lives, so first we have to make short term targets, more precisely, targets for 1 year, like I will score 90% in my final 10th class examination, I will complete my alloted project by 31st March 2016, I will reduce my weight by 10 Kg by December 2015 etc.

After setting the target, write it on a piece of paper, make some copies of that paper, keep that paper always in front of you, don't let the paper goes out of your reach any time, your target should be always in front of you, now start working for your target, work up to your maximum limit to achieve your target.

Prayer every day and ask God to help you in achieving your target. At night before going to sleep read your target 5 times and then go to bed for deep sleep.

After getting up in the morning, the very first thing to do in your daily list will be to see your target first and read it 5 times.

Make it your practice to read your target at least 3 times in a day and every time recite it 5 times.

All the above mentioned things seems funny to some of my friends, but believe them and I challenge you, you will not regret it later.

Thanks for reading.

Good Day!

Sunday 30 October 2011

5 Essential Points For Getting True Success

Dear Friends,

We all want success in our life, but we don't know how to get success? There are some basic points which are very essential for getting success in your life and these are:

1. Passion: Passion is very necessary for the work whatever you do. Most of the people never find out what he/she wants from their lives, what work they really want to do? Many of us just choose our field of work because we might think that there is a lot of money we can earn doing that particular work. But the real thing is not like that, in reality, we can earn from any work whatever we do if we have a passion for that.

2. Clear Vision: For the success, your vision should be very clear start from the beginning. If the beginning is not cleared then you might lost so many years by just doing the work which can take you in the wrong direction or away from your ultimate goal.

3. Desire: Whatever goal you set up for you, you should have a burning desire to achieve that. Always remember one thing that when you feel your desire is fading out then believe it or not the success it just few moment away from you.

4. Determination: For getting success your determination should be very strong that no condition can change your mind.

5. Clear Picture of your coming future: You should have a very clear picture of your future, that means you should know where you want to be in your coming years, list down how you see yourself after coming 3 years and what steps you take in achieving that height. Read that page before going to sleep everyday and after 3 years you will be there.